The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 293: Sully B

Ooh, Sully! I just read about a crazy new potion!

I thought I told you to quit messing around with that stuff! ...Yeah, okay, I'll bite. What's it do?

It turns a woman into a man!

And you came running to me with this why?

Well, I figured you'd be the first in line.

If anyone else had said that to me, I'd make them eat their own guts. Look, Ricken. I'm fine as I am. I'm not looking to switch sides.

But I heard you say before you hated not being taken seriously because you're a girl.

Right, but the problem isn't me. It's that other folks are small minded. It's a stupid way to think, and I aim to prove it. I'll outfight every man on the field, but there's no point if I don't do it as me. Understand, Ricken?

Wow, Sully. I wish I could think like you. I'd rather be anything besides myself.

Anyway... Sorry. I didn't mean any offense.

No worries. I know you meant well, even if you came across like a dolt.

Ha ha ha! Yeah, I know.